
DataLend Portfolio

DataLend: Global Securities Finance Data

DataLend provides aggregated, anonymized, cleansed and standardized securities finance data covering all asset classes, regions and markets globally.

For Beneficial Owners​

Review all your securities lending data in one place with the new DataLend Portfolio. Whether you have a single- or multi-agent securities lending program, your single login to DataLend Portfolio will provide you with an aggregated view of your securities lending activity. Drill down into each program to access DataLend’s standardized performance metrics, used by agent lenders around the globe.

Aggregated View

  • Asset allocation

  • On loan

  • Utilization

  • Fee

  • Revenue

  • Return to lendable

Performance Measurement

Drill down into each agent lender program to analyze performance at a program level. DataLend Portfolio features:

  • Standardized Peer Groups

Ensure consistency across performance reviews through the use of DataLend’s standardized peer groups. DataLend’s peer groups are controlled by the DataLend proprietary algorithm. Choose from peer groups based on fiscal location, legal entity and/or collateral type.

  • Exclusive Data

DataLend has access to inventory and loan positions not included in any other securities lending data service. Ensure this data is part of your analysis to obtain the most accurate performance measurement possible.

  • Flexibility


  • Identify which accounts are under or over-performing versus the group.
  • Navigate to a selected account for further analysis.


  • Multi-select by asset class, country and sector over a customized time period and tailored account groups.
  • Client Confidentiality

DataLend maintains the highest data security standards to protect client data and identity:

  • EquiLend: DataLend is affiliated with EquiLend LLC, which is regulated by the SEC.
  • Internet Protocol (IP) Security: All User IDs are tied to an approved organization IP address meaning a user cannot log-in from outside their corporate network.
  • Segregation: Each client organization within DataLend is strictly segregated from other organization in our secure database tables. User IDs are tied directly to an organization.

Check Out "The Purple", A DataLend Research Publication

Exclusive Content for Beneficial Owners!

Agent Lender Performance Metrics

Agent Lender Summary Statistics

Best Market Data Provider Globally

Global Investor/ISF Awards 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

Fixed Income Q1-Q3 2020​