
The Purple Issue XV

July 2024

The Purple returns! Welcome to our 2024 Q2 issue highlighting global revenue trends, top-earning securities and observations around and post-T+1. Behind the scenes, the Data & Analytics team has been working on several new enhancements coming later this summer. DataLend’s highly anticipated new user interface will be launched with new functionality, including greater flexibility and customization. We are also enhancing our Real-Time Data to include returns, rerates and recalls in addition to new transaction data.
Finally, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to check out our Orbisa short interest data – now available with a simple click on the Bloomberg App Store!


Supporting Regulation With Real-Time Data

In the decade since DataLend launched, the regulatory landscape of the securities finance industry has changed dramatically with MIFID I and II, CSDR and SFTR adding greater transparency across the sector.

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Asia-Pacific: Q3 Performance YoY

The APAC region has been a hot topic for the securities lending industry for many years, with markets in the region being characterized by varying tax treatments, settlement requirements, collateral margins, and short selling restrictions.

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The AI Gold Rush: Boom or Bust?

Equities market performance has been something of a pleasant surprise in the first half of 2023. In the U.S. market, the S&P 500 closed out the 2nd quarter roughly 16% higher than its mark from the start of the year.

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Wisdom of the Crowd?

In his June 21, 2023, testimony before congress, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell referred to the central bank’s view of bank-run mechanics as “outdated.” His comments, which sought to address the events leading up to Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse, allude to the fact that today, the genesis of financial panic is more likely to come from message boards than board rooms.

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Competitive Bid: Leveraging Real-Time Trading Data

Kickstarting in mid-March 2023, NGT, EquiLend’s renowned trading platform, launched an exciting new workflow for clients – Competitive Bid. In an effort to drive greater automation in the specials market, Competitive Bid allows both Lenders and Borrowers to indicate hard-to-borrow flags when they initiate trades.

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Corporate Debt Revenue Rises, Alongside Interest Rates & Inflation

In a volatile macroeconomic environment, the fixed income market continued its robust securities lending performance in Q1 2023, generating $666 million in revenue, up 25% YoY. The period continued to be characterized by rising interest rates and inflation, forcing fixed income yields up and presenting an opportunity for directional trading.

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Q1 2023 for the Record Books

The Data and Analytics division of EquiLend has observed many revenue-impacting corporate events in recent years; Naspers in 2021 and 3M last year, to name a few.

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Analyzing the Impact of the 2023 Banking Crisis on Securities Lending

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank sent shockwaves throughout both the U.S. and global financial sector. While the 2023 banking crisis will likely not be a watershed of the same magnitude as the collapses of 2008, it was a true test of the system and unsurprisingly had a significant impact on the securities lending market.

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Being a Woman in Securities Finance

The WISF organization marked its 5th anniversary in 2022 by ringing the bell at the New York, Toronto and London Stock Exchanges, a momentous milestone and an important signal for any woman considering a career in the securities finance industry.

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