
Trading Analytics

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NGT Trading Analytics: Insights Made Simple

Trading Analytics offers unparalleled insight into your NGT trading activity through an intuitive, simple-to-use Web portal. Easily access and analyze trade activity across your counterparties and your rank amongst all firms on NGT.

Advanced Filtering

Drill down to any combination of market, asset type, sector, collateral and fee bucket

CounterParty Heatmap

Analyze your activity across all your counterparts—identify your biggest and most efficient trading partners

Trade Initiation Activity

View your activity across NGT workflows (IOI, Targeted Availability, Unsolicited Bid) —compare yourself to the industry

League Tables

Identify where you rank amongst your peers—see if your competitors are optimizing their NGT flow better than you

Fee Buckets

See your NGT performance at a fee band level—compare your market share of GC and specials to your competitors

Counterparty Heatmap

Counterparty Trending

League Table

Fee Bucket

Trade Initiation Activity

Best Market Data Provider Globally

Global Investor/ISF Awards 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

Fixed Income Q1-Q3 2020​