
The Purple Issue XV

July 2024

The Purple returns! Welcome to our 2024 Q2 issue highlighting global revenue trends, top-earning securities and observations around and post-T+1. Behind the scenes, the Data & Analytics team has been working on several new enhancements coming later this summer. DataLend’s highly anticipated new user interface will be launched with new functionality, including greater flexibility and customization. We are also enhancing our Real-Time Data to include returns, rerates and recalls in addition to new transaction data.
Finally, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to check out our Orbisa short interest data – now available with a simple click on the Bloomberg App Store!


DataLend: Behind the Scenes

On the surface, DataLend may seem like a fairly straightforward product: The system takes in some data from users and returns some data to users. However, when you look under the hood you quickly realize that processing and distributing this data is no easy task.

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From Big Data Emerges Precision Analytics

To provide our clients with the most robust analytics available, EquiLend brought together DataLend’s powerful data processing and visualization know-how with NGT’s dataset to bring you The Pulse—Precision Analytics Powered by DataLend.

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Big Data in Securities Finance

With the ever-increasing velocity at which data is being created, zetta (1 billion terabytes), yotta (1,000 zettabytes) and brontobytes (1,000 yottabytes) will soon become the language with which we describe data volume.

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Australia: Down Under in Securities Finance

Australia: Down Under in Securities Finance Robert Antelmann, Product Specialist, DataLend September 19,  2018 THE AUSTRALIAN EQUITIES market was placed third in Asia Pacific by market size behind Japan and Hong Kong, respectively, in 2017. The equities securities lending market in Australia is characterized by a decentralized network of bilateral relationships consisting of both onshore

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Flexible, Modular, Customizable—A Bespoke Technology Solution For All Your Securities Finance Business Needs.