Infographic: Americas Securities Finance H1 2019
DataLend highlights the latest trends in securities finance in the Americas region.
January 2025
DataLend highlights the latest trends in securities finance in the Americas region.
DataLend highlights the latest trends in securities finance in the Asia Pacific region.
DataLend highlights the latest trends in securities finance in the EMEA region.
DataLend highlights the latest trends in securities finance in the Americas region.
A Q&A with Andrew Dyson, CEO, International Securities Lending Association
While it is still early days, looking ahead, the Mercados Integrados Latinoamericanos (MILA) market association could ultimately play a significant role in the long-term unification of securities lending across the region
It is a time of change in Japan as Emperor Akihito abdicates his position, the first to do so in over 200 years.
Women in Securities Finance is an independent industry women’s group formed at the beginning of 2018 to foster connections in the securities finance industry.
On the surface, DataLend may seem like a fairly straightforward product: The system takes in some data from users and returns some data to users. However, when you look under the hood you quickly realize that processing and distributing this data is no easy task.
In this article DataLend examines the reasons why firms borrow securities, and some of the factors that can drive demand and make a security trade “special.”
DataLend takes a look beyond Q1 to forecast what to expect ahead in the securities finance industry.
In 2018 corporate bond issuance was down to its lowest level in seven years as rising interest rates, trade
wars and liquidity concerned potential investors.
As the so-called trade wars rage on, DataLend investigates the impact—or surprising lack thereof, in some cases—on securities finance markets across the globe
DataLend takes a look beyond Q2 2018 to forecast what to expect ahead in the securities finance industry.
To provide our clients with the most robust analytics available, EquiLend brought together DataLend’s powerful data processing and visualization know-how with NGT’s dataset to bring you The Pulse—Precision Analytics Powered by DataLend.
DataLend investigates the impact that rising interest rates had on returns generated by cash collateralized trades.
As the financial crisis roiled the global markets in 2008, the business models of these dealers were about to fundamentally change.
With the ever-increasing velocity at which data is being created, zetta (1 billion terabytes), yotta (1,000 zettabytes) and brontobytes (1,000 yottabytes) will soon become the language with which we describe data volume.